Spring Contracting Group requires subcontractors seeking to bid a project greater than $100,000 to be prequalified. To prequalify, simply complete the prequalification form below and email back to us info@springcontracting.com
We may request that you submit some or all of the following documents:
Business License
Evidence of Insurance Certificate which must include Endorsements and Waivers
Bonding Capacity and Bonding Rate verification letter
Work Experience Reference List showing your company’s 3 largest projects
Safety Manual or Program
EMR verification letter showing Experience Modification Rates for the last 3 years
OSHA 300A summary logs for work related injuries and illnesses for the last 3 years
OSHA violations documentation for the last 3 years (if applicable)
We respect the confidential nature of the information requested. Only the Ownership at Spring Contracting Group will have access to and review the information provided. If a Non-Disclosure Agreement is requested, please email a copy along with your prequalification form to info@springcontracting.com